Litterature on Game development
- Beginner Games Programming
- Books by Alen Sherrod
- Imagination In Games
- Education
- Scott Rogers (2010) Level Up!: The Guide to Great Video Game Design
- Beginning iPhone Games Development
- C++ Game Programming
- Stop the Vertical Tab Madness
- Cpp Games
- Wikipedia: MobyGames
- MobyGames
- DeSmet C source code
- Essential 3D Game Programming: with C++ and OpenGL
- C++ Game Programming Resource Center
- Course Technology
- OpenGL
- Caligari: TrueSpace 3-D Modelling Software
- Octree: Breakthrough 3-D graphics
- ActionScript Technology Center
- ActionScript
- WikiPedia: ActionScript
- Jim's Flash Bestiary
- FlashAndMath
- DirectX11
- DirectX Dev Center
- boost C++ Library
- Google Looking At Social Networking For Games
- Wikipedia: DirectX
- Havok
- WoWWiki
- Christopher D. Watkins and Larry Sharp: Programming in 3 Dimensions: 3-D Graphics, Ray Tracing, and Animation/Book and Disk
- Game Algorithms
- Algorithms and Data structures
- Numerical Computation Guide
- Phrogram
- squeakland.
- xturtle
Scripting languages related to game development
- Alex Varanese: Game Scripting Mastery
- This classic evergreen deals with scripting in video games and creating a scripting language from scratch, how to implement an assembler, virtual machine, high-level compiler and custom high and low level programming languages. After finishing chapter 9, you should even be able to write your own disassembler.
- Game Scripting Mastery: overview
- Programming in Lua (first edition)
- Programming in Lua, Second Edition
- Lua Programming Gems
- tolua - accessing C/C++ code from Lua
- LuaPlus for Lua 5.1
- Cavebug Games
- The following book is outstanding. Give it to your child and (s)he will love it. You can download and install the examples by the installer or as "One Big Zip file". When the installation is complete, you should have the IDLE and SPE GUI installed. Some modules may require the SPE GUI. The fun begins in chapter 10. Also note listing 5.4 in chapter 5. That code will only function if you are accessed to internet. Note that NASA uses Python in their projects. It is easy to learn and powerful. NumPY is a Python extension for numerical computing. It is included with the windowss installer. There are many such (free and proprietary) Python extensions on the internet. When your child masters Python, the next natural step should be Simula. Note that BETA and GBETA are true children of Simula. You find additional resources on
- Warren D. Sande and Carter Sande: Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners
- Hello World! Installation and source code
- Hello World! Useful links
- Geometry Concepts: Basic Concepts
- aRainyDay,e Python Projects
- Pyhthon A Star algorithm
- VPython
- Multi-Version Installs
- Porting Code to Python 3 with 2to3
- Dive Into Python 3
- Python GameProgramming
- PythonGameLibraries
- Financial Modelling in Python
- Python
- Download Python
- Django Project
- Download Django
- Python Web Development with Django
- CyberWeb Consulting
- Core Python programming
- Boost.Python
- Wikipedia: CPython
- Wikipedia: NumPy
- NumPy
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- VCLComponents Python
- Generator Expressons
- Generator Expressons. Simple Example
- From List Comprehensions to Generator Expressions
- Advanced Iterators
- iPython
- Embedding iPython
- Jython
- IronPython
- Shed Skin - An Optimizing Python-to-C++ Compiler
- Code Google: Shed Skin
- Tcl
- Tcl Developer Xchange
- Wiki Tcl
- Tcl
- The Script Archive
- GameMonkey
- GameMonkey Script
- Introduction to GameMonkey Script Part 1
- Introduction to GameMonkey Script Part 2
- Continuing GameMonkey Script: Advanced Use
- GameMonkey Community Projec
- AngelScript
- AngelCode Scripting Library
- AngelScript
- XNA Creators Club Online
- XNA downloads
- XNA Developer Center
- XNA Team Blog
- XNA 3D Primer
- Going Beyond: XNA Game Studio in 3D
- XNA development
- XNAtutorial
- game projects
- XNA Games Programming